Sijie grew up in a village in Beichuan, which suffered the devastating earthquake in 2008, which killed her beloved grandparents who were raising her and her younger brother. Luckily, both she and her younger brother were in town for school, so they narrowly escaped the disaster. Her parents left home when she was young to go to the cities and earn money for the family. This has made Sijie very independent. She continues to strive hard to make a living and always be top in her class. She just graduated from her grad school with master degree in physical chemistry. Now, she starts working as a consultant which is very interesting and challenging as well. In the new life stage, she continues concentrating on self-improvement, learning self-discipline. She loves to read and play badminton during her spare time.
“I think the Qian Zhen Memorial Scholarship has a special meaning. It encourages female scholars to excel their male counterparts. When Ms. Tu Li interviewed me, she talked much about her experience of making some life changing decisions, working abroad and overcoming challenges. We discussed reading and how reading can help us mature mentally. We also talked about my background and my plan for the future. I feel that my future can have limitless possibilities and I can realize my dreams if I persistently work towards them.” “The most valuable aspect of being a Qian Zheng Memorial Scholar is that I’ll never stop thinking and changing myself. The people especially the women in this group are active in minds, diligent in action and willing to dedicate their powers, which are very inspiring.” |