Donations from U.S.
We are a partner organization under One World Children's Fund, a 501(c)(3)
through whom you can receive an official receipt for U.S. tax deduction.
Donate online by clicking on:
One World's Children's Fund Page
Donate using Checks/ACH Transfers/Wired-funds by:
Payable to: "One World Children's Fund"
Memo Line Note: "QZ Scholarship"
If you include a note stating your email, they will email you a receipt, otherwise they will mail one to you.
Mail it to:
We are a partner organization under One World Children's Fund, a 501(c)(3)
through whom you can receive an official receipt for U.S. tax deduction.
Donate online by clicking on:
One World's Children's Fund Page
Donate using Checks/ACH Transfers/Wired-funds by:
Payable to: "One World Children's Fund"
Memo Line Note: "QZ Scholarship"
If you include a note stating your email, they will email you a receipt, otherwise they will mail one to you.
Mail it to:
Regular Mail
One World Children’s Fund P.O. Box 849129 Los Angeles, CA 90084-9129 |
Overnight/Courier Service Mail
Lockbox Services 849129 Attn: One World Children's Fund 3440 Flair Drive, El Monte, CA 91731 |
Donations from China
If you want to donate in RMB, you may use either of the following
channels to process your donation depending on whether you want a donation receipt or not:
If you want to donate in RMB, you may use either of the following
channels to process your donation depending on whether you want a donation receipt or not:
Channel 1 (渠道一)
Yanxing's private account (Use these instructions if donation receipt is not required) Account holder name: 范淑娟 Bank name: 开户行-招商银行北京京广桥支行 Account number: 账号 6225880134852277 Important! Add this note for transfer: 汇款备注: “雁行中国-钱铮纪念奖学金” 说明:范淑娟为雁行中国的财务负责人,该账户为个人账户,不支持开具发票。 |
Channel 2 (渠道二)
Yanxing China's public account under China Social Welfare Foundation (中国社会福利基金会账号) (Use these instructions if donation receipt is required) Bank name: 开户行-工商银行北京东长安街支行 Account number: 账号-0200337419000014555 Important! Add this note for transfer: 汇款备注:“雁行中国-钱铮纪念奖学金” 说明: 1、雁行中国已挂靠中国社会福利基金会,拥有公募资质。汇款需备注:“雁行中国-钱铮纪念奖学金”。 2、捐款100元及以上者,可开具发票。 |
You can be a mentor regardless of level of donation. You would commit to have calls and exchange emails with your scholar(s) at least once a quarter. If the mentor is in the same location, face-to-face meetings are also encouraged. You do not have to speak Chinese or be female to be a mentor. As long as your support women in STEM fields and are a good role model, we welcome your involvement!
You can be a mentor regardless of level of donation. You would commit to have calls and exchange emails with your scholar(s) at least once a quarter. If the mentor is in the same location, face-to-face meetings are also encouraged. You do not have to speak Chinese or be female to be a mentor. As long as your support women in STEM fields and are a good role model, we welcome your involvement!
You Choose How To Give
Whether it be giving a talk at one of our scholars' universities or inviting our scholars to one of your conferences, however you'd like to contribute, we appreciate your support!
Please email us at QianZheng.Scholarship[at]
Whether it be giving a talk at one of our scholars' universities or inviting our scholars to one of your conferences, however you'd like to contribute, we appreciate your support!
Please email us at QianZheng.Scholarship[at]